Finnish handwoven rugs,
your way.

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Customize your dream rug. Your dimensions and colors.

Our weaver will make these rugs for you according to your own wishes.

Colors our customers love. Choose your own dimensions.

Find the most popular color combinations, choose the dimensions you want, and our weaver will make it for you.

Need help choosing a carpet?

Call: +358451702274 (MON-THU at 9-11.30 a.m.)

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Or Browse and order a carpet here



Cozy and warm underfoot, the Helsinki wool carpet is a modern, thick, and hand-woven Finnish wool carpet. Each carpet is custom-made according to your measurements.

Start planning!

LOOKING FOR A QUOTE OR NEED HELP CHOOSING A CARPET? Please provide your contact information, and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Payment methods

Would you like to pay for your order right away, or do smaller installments better suit your current financial situation? That's why we offer several payment options for you to choose from. Our online store accepts the following payment methods:

Browse our entire selection here